Joyous Justice

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The Best is Yet to Come!

I *choose* to believe that this is true. And it's sure helpful to remember this while learning (read: often stumbling through) new (sometimes scary) journeys and life lessons.

Which isn't to say that some remarkable moments haven't already occurred in my life or that there isn't already an *immense* amount of things for which I'm grateful.

And yet, I'm completely committed to continually dreaming and giving myself space to keep learning as I go.

Right now, [shake my head], I'm going through a lot of growing pains, thanks to choosing to change 3 major areas of my life over the last year.

Let's see: my long-term relationship, my job, and where I live.

And now, while all three decisions were the right ones to make, I'm embarking on learning experiences at every turn, particularly on the location front since I moved to Senegal (in West Africa) in mid-June.

  • New languages: Wollof and French. Going more slowly than I hoped or wanted, but it's okay. When the time is right, I will figure out how to learn much more.

  • New dances: I'm learning Kizomba. Slowly. (You betta check yo dancer ego at the door, girl🤦🏽‍♀️)

  • Different foods: My low-sugar, mostly vegan diet here isn’t happening, but it will.

  • Different bacteria my immune system isn't accustomed to ("why hello typhoid, influenza, and general stomach upset....!" ;).

  • New sounds: Muslim call to prayer throughout the day and night (which I appreciate), goats bleating, water splashing as women hand wash clothes outside my window.

So...lots of newness & challenge. AND I still believe the best is yet to come! 😊️