EPISODE 1 - BERESHIT (Pilot Episode)

In honor and reverence one of my favorite Jewish traditions, chevruta (thoughtful, at times rigorous, Torah discussion & debate), as is best exemplified by the Talmud… I’m hoping we can collectively generate a modern day commentary, in response to what I’ve spoken about, another’s comment,
or another topic from this week’s Torah portion you think is worth raising while applying a
racially and socially-conscious lens. Around this video, I’ve added placeholders and
examples of the types of comments I’d love to lift up and feature each week.
(And I already have plans for improved formatting. ;)

(If you just want to watch the video in peace with less stimulation, you can enlarge it to fill the screen.)

From Sharon: April, I so enjoyed your commentary, but I’m surprised that you didn’t talk about Lilith and Eve. It’s so important that we continue to elevate the silenced as well as idealized feminine archetypes within our text. I did like how you queered God’s gender identity. I bet the brilliant folks over at SVARA & Keshet have further gender analysis that could enlighten us all…

Yehudit - April! I’m so excited about this!! I just recently attended an Ammud: Jews of Color Torah Academy event via Zoom (still soaring from it!), and now this?! 5780 is looking bright!

Sarah pushes back to YouTuber X, arguing that as much as her heart is with the Panthers and contemporary Black liberation groups, in light of today’s politics & tragedies, seeing the semi-automatics is something she understands, but it still feels distressing. How can we learn to set guns aside?

YouTuber X says: “Yes! Power to the people!” #blackpanthers #blacklivesmatter #m4bl Nothing to lose but our chains, sister!


Joe offers a thoughtful alternative interpretation of God’s emotional experience (or lack thereof) during creation.


Eric chimes in. “That’s a good point Sarah, but what are communities to do when they’ve exhausted all other options after decades of organizing and peaceful marches?”