Jews Talk Racial Justice - S2E13: Recovering from Mistakes, Recovering Trust

April and Tracie unpack the idea that "publicly addressing an organization's mistakes does more harm than good." Though there are some who would advise against drawing attention to past mistakes, April and Tracie argue that accountability and honesty are the only way to create and maintain trust.

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Jews Talk Racial Justice - S2E8: BOTH a lot to learn AND something to contribute

April and Tracie continue to flesh out some of the key obstacles from their flip the script resource with the help of a question from a listener. One of the limiting beliefs that shows up in racial justice work is the sense that you've learned a lot, but not enough to take action. April and Tracie dig into this notion and give some suggestions for ways to productively hold the both / and of having a lot to learn AND having being able to humbly and meaningfully contribute.

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Jews Talk Racial Justice - S2E6: Getting Unstuck when Fear has you Frozen

“Even when we do things right, people are still going to be upset, because they have unhealed trauma. Our country is drowning in unhealed, unaddressed trauma, and it plays out in all kinds of ways. But how I would love for it not to continue to play out is stopping or impeding good people from doing courageous, trajectory-shifting work for our community around justice. In this case, specifically, racial justice.” - April N. Baskin

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Jews Talk Racial Justice - Ep 3: Yom Kippur, Cows, and Collective Accountability

“I have definitely seen white people who are so about saying just the right thing or doing just the right thing that they don't do anything and don't engage at all. [It’s] about the importance of continuing to show up rather than getting it exactly right.” - Tracie Guy-Decker

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